funding programs and calls

This page summarizes the main (subsidy) funding sources/programs for Geo Energy research in The Netherlands and intends to serve the community of research groups and (industrial) stakeholders with proper and actual directions to opportunities for definition and funding of Geo Energy research. This page’s information is provided via name of (subsidy) funding source/program with short description, link to website and closing date of actual call(s) and which information is being kept as up to date as possible. To let us do so, please use the option to contact us.

Latest update

July 15, 2020


Previous update

November 20, 2019



Funding source/program

Description and link

Latest or upcoming relevant call(s)

(Topsector Energy / RVO)

Annual subsidy funding program of the Topsector Energy on technology pilot or demonstration projects for lowering of energy-usage, on renewable energy sources (e.g. geothermal energy) or on reduction of CO2-emissions.

Main topics for Geo Energy Innovation concern:

- Energie-innovation
- Renewable Energy

All topics are open for the period 15 January 2020 until 7 January 2021

SDE++ Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie (RVO)

Subsidy funding program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (via its agency RVO) for companies and organizations which are going to produce sustainable energy where the following categories are subject of the program: Biomass, Geothermal, Water, Wind and Sun. The program stimulates development of sustainable energy supply in the Netherlands to make the country less dependent on fossil energy and to stimulate the economy.


24 Nov 2019 until and including 17 Dec 2020

HE - Hernieuwbare energie (Topsector Energy / RVO)

Annual subsidy funding program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (via its agency RVO) is on innovation projects that contribute to a reduction of costs to accomplish the main goals on energy transition. Projects will only be funded when the cost reduction obtained via the project is higher than the subsidy requested.

1 Apr 2020 until and including 31 Aug 2020
1 Sep 2020 until and including 31 Mar 2021

Topsector Energiestudies Industrie (Topsector Energy / RVO)

Subsidy funding program of the Topsector Energy for feasibility studies for pilot or demonstration projects to reduce in a cost efficient way CO2 emissions by 2030. Main topic related to Geo Energy and covered in this program concerns CCUS.

15 Jan 2020 until and including 1 Sep 2020

(Topsector Energy / RVO)

Annual subsidy funding program focusing on innovation on almost all of themes from the roadmap of the Topsector program line Geo Energy, with a focus on new developments of cost efficient, safe and robust realization of geothermal energy production and subsurface storage of sustainable energy.

1 Jul 2019 until and including 8 Oct 2019

Project PPS-premium

To stimulate R&D innovation via a project in a public- private partnership setting (in Dutch abbreviated as PPS), the Dutch Topsector policy offer the opportunity to grant to such a project so-called PPS-premium subsidy over the contribution of private parties. Such subsidy can be requested via a specific TKI or via the party acting as secretary of the partnership.

Entire year 2020

Program PPS-premium, as e.g. available via TKI New Gas

To stimulate R&D innovation in a public-private partnership settings (in Dutch abbreviated as PPS), the Dutch Topsector policy offers the opportunity to grant so-called PPS-premium subsidy over the private turnover in the program of annual R&D activities of several Dutch research organizations. Such subsidy is requested annually for specific themes by specific TKI’s and such PPS-premium subsidy is available to be assigned by a TKI to R&D innovation projects in public-private partnership setting.
For Geo Energy research the main TKI’s reside under the Topsector Energy and for more information one can refer to

For the Geo Energy program line as part of the Topsector Energy’s theme New Gas, information on the next round on assigning PPS-premium subsidy to project proposals is found in the column on the right-hand side.

Call for project proposals on research theme Geo Energy: 15 Jul 2020 until and including 6 Oct 2020 (first stage), 13 Oct 2020 until and including 24 Nov 2020 (second stage), see also the following webpage .

INTERREG (European union)

The European Union has several subsidy programs to stimulate innovative and collaborative projects on sustainable energy.

For such collaboration specifically between governments, research organizations, companies and NGO’s there is the INTERREG program:
which has several sub-programs focussing on collaboration in specific regions (North West Europe, North Sea Region, etc.)

INTERREG North West Europe: Two calls each year and which close in May and November.

INTERREG North Sea Region: Several calls during a year.



ERA-NET, (Horizon2020, European union)

Within Horizon2020 there are specific programs or themes that can fund Geo Energy research, the ERA-NET framework strives for aligning of national research programs between EU member states
Horizon 2020 is a EU Research and Innovation subsidy programs to stimulate innovative and collaborative projects on sustainable energy. The program provides nearly 80 billion euros of funding over 7 years from 2014 until and including 2020. The program strives for significant breakthroughs, discoveries and world-first class research results and offers opportunities to bring fundamental research ideas to market application:

One is referred to the ERA-NET webpages, such as


(Horizon2020, European union)

Within Horizon2020 there is a specific program
focused on research on geothermal energy.  Currently the program is funding eight projects throughout Europe resulting from the program’s first call and which concern mostly demo-projects.
Horizon 2020 is a EU Research and Innovation subsidy programs to stimulate innovative and collaborative projects on sustainable energy. The program provides nearly 80 billion euros of funding over 7 years from 2014 until and including 2020. The program strives for significant breakthroughs, discoveries and world-first class research results and offers opportunities to bring fundamental research ideas to market application:

A second call from 2019 is currently rounded off.

NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)

On a regular basis NWO makes financial instruments (calls, programs) available for Geo Energy research topics, but mainly for fundamental research at academia.
Most relevent NWO departments for Geo Energy topics are “Exacte en Natuurwetenschappen” en “Toegepaste en Technische Wetenschappen”.

An up-to-date overview of the financial instruments is found via:


Here the filter option could be useful to focus on specific NWO departments.

One is referred to the specific NWO pages listed in the middle column.

National Science Agenda (NWA part of NWO)

Program of NWO focusing on important societal challenges, especially the questions 23, 55, 112 and 124 of the national science agenda have a link with Geo-Energy.


DeepNL (NWO)

Program of NWO specific on fundamental research on the effects (such as risks) related to the use of the deep subsurface, such as for Geo Energy purposes.

First call has been completed in Q4-2018, followed by a call for Tenure Track candidates late 2019 and which is still open until mid September 2020, see

As per mid July 2020 a third call for proposals (with approximate size of one PhD or postdoc position) is open en with submissions deadline 17 November 2020, see

Knowledge Programme on Effects of Mining (KEM)

Government demand driven research program focusing on possible effects and risks of mining activities. Main stakeholders from the Dutch government are State Supervisory of Mines(SodM), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the National coordinator Groningen. Where the DeepNL program is more targeted on fundamental research, the KEM program is targeted on applied research.

Tenders for research projects are done on a regular basis via: